Fatal van accident linked to poorly marked intersections

Today’s fatal van accident, in which four people died, could probably have been avoided if the intersection had been properly marked, says the car review website dogandlemon.com.

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says accidents of this kind are frequently the result of drivers not noticing a compulsory Stop sign.

“Canterbury is criss-crossed with intersections such as the Cochranes Road/Wakanui Road intersection where this accident occurred. Drivers new to the area, driving along a long, flat road, may not see the approaching intersection until it's too late. One small stop sign is not enough.”

“If drivers are unaware that there is a Stop sign, they may just drive straight through, often with fatal consequences.”

“Aside from improving signage at intersections, the government needs to urgently install horizontal rumble strips, to alert drivers that a compulsory stop intersection is looming. Multiple studies have shown these strips are highly effective at slowing vehicles and alerting drivers that a major intersection is just ahead.”

“This type of accident is not uncommon in the Canterbury area. I wonder how many more innocent people have to die before the government takes action.”
