
Ex-cop expresses concern at police budget cuts

A proposal to axe 26 police from the Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit[1] has exposed deep flaws in police management, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says the proposal suggests the police management have lost their way.

Motorcycle levy system a failure, says safety campaigner

The government’s ACC motorbike levy system, which was meant to help meet the higher costs of bike accidents, has not improved road safety, says the car review website

The levy system has raised over $15 million, but the majority of it, which was supposed to be spent on road safety projects, remains unspent.

$2.9 million had been spent on road safety projects up to October 2016, projected to grow to $6.3 million by June 2017.

Multiple fatality ‘easily preventable’, says safety campaigner

Last Monday’s multiple fatality near Huntly could have been prevented by simple changes in rules and technology, says the car review website

Brisbane holidaymaker Stephen Phillips, together with his partner’s sons Jasper Williams, 14, and Ruben Williams, 12, were killed when their car collided with a truck on State Highway 1, after veering into the opposing lane.

It's time for alternatives to killer trucks, says safety campaigner

The government must begin promoting alternatives to carrying freight by road, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says:

“Horrific accidents between trucks and cars are now a regular occurrence, especially in high traffic areas such as the Bay of Plenty.”’

Tolls won’t heal Auckland's congestion, says motoring expert

Tolling Auckland’s roads will penalise the poor without solving the cause of its congestion, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson says:

"The reason most Aucklanders drive to work is simply because there often aren’t many practical alternatives. If roads are tolled without giving motorists practical alternatives, most people will continue to drive to work, but pay more for the same journey. That’s not fair.”

Time to rethink road safety, says campaigner

The government needs to change the way we operate our roads, says, the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says:

Australian motorists losers in used Japanese car ban, says expert

Claims that allowing used Japanese cars into Australia would have reduced road safety are simply nonsense, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who has extensively studied the New Zealand experience with used imports, says:

“Used Japanese imports were the best thing that ever happened to the New Zealand consumer.”

Call to halt government BMW purchase after emission fraud allegations

The government’s purchase of BMW limousines should be suspended while BMW is under investigation for allegedly providing fraudulent fuel economy and emissions figures, says the car review website

Tests by International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) – the same organisation that uncovered VW’s fraudulent diesel emissions claims – showed that many popular European cars, including BMW diesel vehicles, use more than 50% more fuel than claimed by the makers.
