
Politicians ‘cowards’ over road safety, says campaigner

The road toll will continue to rise until politicians address the real causes of accidents, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who has been campaigning for safer roads and cars for over 20 years, says the public is being deliberately misinformed for political gain.

Ban on renting vehicles to tired travellers would save lives, says safety campaigner

An outspoken road safety campaigner has repeated a call for a ban on renting vehicles to travellers who have just arrived in New Zealand.

The call comes after two young Singaporeans were killed in a two-vehicle smash in Canterbury, just hours after arriving in the country.

Higher speed limit common sense, says safety campaigner

A proposal to raise the speed limit to 110km/h on selected roads is simply keeping up with the times, says the car review website

“Modern highways are infinitely safer than roads of even twenty years ago, yet the speed limit has not budged. Driving at 110km/h on suitable highways is far safer than driving at 100km/h on many ordinary rural roads.”

Ex-cop expresses concern at police budget cuts

A proposal to axe 26 police from the Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit[1] has exposed deep flaws in police management, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says the proposal suggests the police management have lost their way.

Motorcycle levy system a failure, says safety campaigner

The government’s ACC motorbike levy system, which was meant to help meet the higher costs of bike accidents, has not improved road safety, says the car review website

The levy system has raised over $15 million, but the majority of it, which was supposed to be spent on road safety projects, remains unspent.

$2.9 million had been spent on road safety projects up to October 2016, projected to grow to $6.3 million by June 2017.

Time to get serious about road safety

The police should have the power to temporarily impound vehicles for seatbelt violations and permanently seize cellphones used by drivers in moving vehicles, says the car review website


Multiple fatality ‘easily preventable’, says safety campaigner

Last Monday’s multiple fatality near Huntly could have been prevented by simple changes in rules and technology, says the car review website

Brisbane holidaymaker Stephen Phillips, together with his partner’s sons Jasper Williams, 14, and Ruben Williams, 12, were killed when their car collided with a truck on State Highway 1, after veering into the opposing lane.

New Zealand should not accept Chinese driver's licences, says safety campaigner

Chinese nationals should not be allowed to use international driver's licences in New Zealand, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, asks:

Multiple fatality blamed on unsafe road

A lack of safety features on the notorious Desert Road in the central North island was directly responsible for today’s triple fatality, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says today’s accident was a typical example of what happens when roads aren’t properly built and managed.

“You have snow and ice, a driver unfamiliar with the conditions, a truck, and a lack of median barrier. The end result is three dead bodies.”

Time to rethink road safety, says campaigner

The government needs to change the way we operate our roads, says, the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says:
