
ACC lying over levy blunders, says safety campaigner

The Accident Compensation Commission’s attempt to blame multiple mistakes in setting vehicle levies on a computer ‘coding error’ is a blatant mistruth, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson says:

“The ACC has based the entire levy system on a set of badly flawed data from Monash University. This Monash data is riddled with errors and false assumptions; that’s the real reason for the multiple mistakes in setting ACC levies.”

Jailing tourist driver won’t save lives, says campaigner

Today’s prison sentence for Chinese tourist driver Jing Cao will do nothing for road safety, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an active road safety campaigner, says:

“Aside from satisfying some primitive lust for revenge, this sentence achieves nothing. It won’t bring back the dead child, nor will it deter other tourist drivers from making similar mistakes.”

Select Committee ruling will cost lives, says campaigner

Innocent people will die as a result of a recent ruling by the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee, says the car review website

The committee rejected a call for compulsory testing of foreign drivers, despite a 30,000-strong petition launched by the family of Grant Roberts, who was killed by a tourist driver in a rental vehicle.

Campaigner slams government over road toll

 The vast majority of road accidents are preventable with technology, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an active road safety campaigner, says:


“While people continue to die on our roads, the so-called experts keep asking people to drive safely and the police issue thousands of speeding tickets. These are the failed policies of the past.”

