
Collins wrong to claim credit for reduction in boy racer incidents

Former Police Minister Judith Collins was dishonest to claim credit for a natural fall in boy racer incidents, says the car review website

FBI disagrees with NZ government over police chases

Police chases for minor offences are dangerous and generally unnecessary, says the American Federal Bureau of Investigation.

A 2010 FBI report says breaking off the pursuit of a fleeing vehicle has very few negative consequences for crime-fighting.

Unforgiving roads a major factor in holiday road toll

At least half of the holiday road deaths might not have occurred on a well-built roading system, says the car review website

Government inaction drives tourist road toll, says safety campaigner

The government’s strategy for preventing tourist accidents has been a complete failure, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says many tourists simply lack the skills to drive safely on New Zealand roads, yet the government does nothing to stop them from renting cars and crashing.

Lights on to survive Christmas

Cars with their lights on are up to 25% less likely to end up in a fatal daytime collision this Christmas, says the car review website

Government should promote alternatives to self-drive holidays, says safety campaigner

A prominent road safety campaigner has called on the New Zealand government to stop promoting self-drive holidays to foreign tourists, and instead to promote less risky alternatives.

Clive Matthew-Wilson, who edits the car review website, says many tourists simply lack the skills to drive safely on New Zealand roads.

Australian motorists losers in used Japanese car ban, says expert

Claims that allowing used Japanese cars into Australia would have reduced road safety are simply nonsense, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who has extensively studied the New Zealand experience with used imports, says:

“Used Japanese imports were the best thing that ever happened to the New Zealand consumer.”

Horror smash ‘easily preventable’ says safety campaigner

This weekend’s horror smash between a car and a truck, which killed three people, would not have occurred if the road had been fitted with median barriers, says the car review website

Road safety campaigner, Clive Matthew-Wilson, says he was ‘sickened’ after viewing the mangled wreckage.
