
Poorly built roads kill innocent motorists editor, Clive Matthew-Wilson, says the government needs to take action to improve the safety of many “appallingly dangerous” rural roads.

Safekids' driveway safety initiative a tragic waste of time, says campaigner.

A new driveway safety initiative by Safekids, which includes giving parents a keyring with their child's picture, will do little or nothing to reduce driveway deaths, says the car review website  dogandlemon.    .


Government ignoring road safety science, says campaigner

A lack of scientific understanding is killing innocent people on our roads, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an active road safety campaigner, says:

Call to halt government BMW purchase after emission fraud allegations

The government’s purchase of BMW limousines should be suspended while BMW is under investigation for allegedly providing fraudulent fuel economy and emissions figures, says the car review website

Tests by International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT) – the same organisation that uncovered VW’s fraudulent diesel emissions claims – showed that many popular European cars, including BMW diesel vehicles, use more than 50% more fuel than claimed by the makers.

Brace yourself, it’s tourist driving season

New Zealanders can expect another summer of serious accidents involving tourists, says the car review website 

VW pollution scandal “the tip of the iceberg”

The recent scandal, in which Volkswagen was found to be cheating on diesel emission tests in the US, is just the tip of the iceberg, says the car review website 
