New Zealand

Congestion charges hand over our roads to wealthy motorists

Congestion charges penalise poor people and fail to deal with the reasons for traffic congestion, says the car review website 

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson says:

“Congestion charges discourage ride-sharing and encourage wealthier people to use cars. But cities like Auckland weren’t built by wealthy people; Auckland was built by poor people who often had little choice but to drive to work.”

Why the government’s road safety strategy is failing

Road safety strategies targeting the average driver have been a dismal failure, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is a respected road safety campaigner, says:

“The vast majority of deaths over Christmas involved reckless behaviour. Road crashes involving reckless behaviour are rarely caused by the average driver. Instead, these accidents are usually caused by the very young, the very poor, the very distracted, the very reckless and the very blotto". 

The Dog & Lemon Guide is 25 years old

An award-winning motor mechanic whose car reviews are often hated by the motor industry, is celebrating twenty five years of helping car buyers.

Clive Matthew-Wilson, the colourful and outspoken editor of the car buyers’, has been publishing brutally frank car reviews since 1996.


Government misrepresenting facts on roadside drug testing

The government’s proposed roadside drug tests are based on unreliable science, says the car review website editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, whose road safety research was awarded by the Australian Police Journal, says the government is either mistaken or deliberately misrepresenting the facts on drugged driving.

Fatal van accident linked to poorly marked intersections

Today’s fatal van accident, in which four people died, could probably have been avoided if the intersection had been properly marked, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says accidents of this kind are frequently the result of drivers not noticing a compulsory Stop sign.

Cyclists need shuttle over Auckland harbour bridge

Cyclists should be able to safely cross the Auckland harbour bridge, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is a road safety campaigner and advocate for cyclists’ and pedestrians’ rights, believes cycling over the existing bridge would be very dangerous in bad weather.

Truck drivers often don’t see the cyclists they kill

All commercial vehicles should be fitted with surround-view cameras that give the driver a 360° view of the road around them, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says truck drivers are often completely unaware that they’ve just killed an innocent cyclist.

Government increase in fines for illegal use of cellphones in cars ‘pathetic'

The government’s slight increase in fines for drivers illegally using cellphones is ‘pathetic’, says the car review website

Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson, who is an outspoken road safety campaigner, says many drivers will simply continue to use cellphones and accept the risk of a higher penalty.
