Media Releases

  • Campaigners Call for Parent Penalties

    Road safety campaigners are calling for parents who supply alcohol to underage drivers to be penalised if something goes wrong.

    Clive Matthew-Wilson of the Dog and Lemon Guide was commenting after a serious weekend crash in Manukau at the hands of a drunk 16-year-old.

    The boy's mother has admitted to regularly supplying him with alcohol.

    Matthew-Wilson says if the mother had supplied her son with heroin or P she would be behind bars.

  • Campaigners Call for Parent Penalties

    Road safety campaigners are calling for parents who supply alcohol to underage drivers to be penalised if something goes wrong.

    Clive Matthew-Wilson of the Dog and Lemon Guide was commenting after a serious weekend crash in Manukau at the hands of a drunk 16-year-old.

    The boy's mother has admitted to regularly supplying him with alcohol.

    Matthew-Wilson says if the mother had supplied her son with heroin or P she would be behind bars.

  • Consumers warned over spare tyres

    Many new car buyers are unwittingly buying vehicles without spare tyres, according to the car buyers’ Dog & Lemon Guide.

    Dog & Lemon Guide editor Clive Matthew-Wilson said today: “Many new European cars are coming out without a spare tyre. Some cars come with a tiny air pump to inflate a flat tyre, and nothing else. If the air pump can’t re-inflate a flat tyre then all you can do is start walking.”

  • Consumers warned over spare tyres

    Many new car buyers are unwittingly buying vehicles without spare tyres, according to the car buyers’ Dog & Lemon Guide.

    Dog & Lemon Guide editor Clive Matthew-Wilson said today: “Many new European cars are coming out without a spare tyre. Some cars come with a tiny air pump to inflate a flat tyre, and nothing else. If the air pump can’t re-inflate a flat tyre then all you can do is start walking.”

  • Car Thieves Getting Smarter

    As cars get smarter so do the thieves targeting them.

    Dog and Lemon Guide editor, Clive Matthew-Wilson, says modern car keys often contain a computer chip which only recognises the car it belongs to - if you do not have that particular key you cannot start the car.

    But Matthew-Wilson says that has prompted thieves to target keys instead of vehicles.

  • Car Thieves Getting Smarter

    As cars get smarter so do the thieves targeting them.

    Dog and Lemon Guide editor, Clive Matthew-Wilson, says modern car keys often contain a computer chip which only recognises the car it belongs to - if you do not have that particular key you cannot start the car.

    But Matthew-Wilson says that has prompted thieves to target keys instead of vehicles.

  • NZ Herald - Small Car ‘Death Traps’

    The New Zealand Herald today published an article with commentary from various motor safety experts on ways that drivers can increase their chances of surviving an accident. Suggestions included avoiding "small car death traps", SUVs and ....

    The Herald interviewed three motor safety experts, including the Dog and Lemon Guide's Clive Matthew-Wilson who commented,

  • NZ Herald - Small Car ‘Death Traps’

    The New Zealand Herald today published an article with commentary from various motor safety experts on ways that drivers can increase their chances of surviving an accident. Suggestions included avoiding "small car death traps", SUVs and ....

    The Herald interviewed three motor safety experts, including the Dog and Lemon Guide's Clive Matthew-Wilson who commented,

  • Used Car Safety Rated

    New safety ratings for used cars show large utes and SUVs are more likely to cause significant harm to other road users in crashes.

    The 2006 list compiled by Land Transport New Zealand and the Automobile Association rates vehicles on how well they protect drivers and how much damage they can cause to pedestrians and others.

  • Used Car Safety Rated

    New safety ratings for used cars show large utes and SUVs are more likely to cause significant harm to other road users in crashes.

    The 2006 list compiled by Land Transport New Zealand and the Automobile Association rates vehicles on how well they protect drivers and how much damage they can cause to pedestrians and others.
